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Ishara Art Foundation is pleased to announce the release of artist Navjot Altaf’s two-volume publication titled ‘Navjot At Work’ and ‘Artist’s Notes’, published by The Guild Art Gallery, Mumbai.

“Navjot’s purpose as an artist appears quite plain. Her projects are premised on ordinary and productive lives; they are also premised on social deprivation that amounts, at times, to life’s annulment. But if her purpose is plain, her method is not. Navjot’s projects stretch across several epistemological alternatives: anthropology, aesthetics, ethics, politics. She reckons with the problematic antecedents of ethnographic enquiry; she recognizes the difficulty of a dialogue across economies and cultures. She therefore speaks less the language of ethics and more of practice, where formal solutions and semiotic notation qualify moral certitude.” – excerpt from the Foreword written by India’s pre-eminent Art Critic and Curator, Geeta Kapur.

Featuring a foreword by Geeta Kapur, essays by Elena Bernardini, Grant Kester and Leon Tan, and Navjot’s own writing, the two volumes offer an understanding of her art, activism and where they overlap. The publication features over 170 colourplates that include video stills, installation shots and her public art projects.

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