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Veolia reinforces its presence in the Middle-East to help cities and industries in all aspects of their ecological transformation



Active in the Middle-East for more than forty years, Veolia, a leading integrated player of the environmental service sector, brings its activity on a new level through the merger with Suez businesses, finalised earlier this year. With the combination of the strengths and competencies of both companies, the new Veolia will bring innovation, investments and enhanced resources to scale up the existing ecological transformation solutions while inventing the remaining ones.
In water and waste sectors, the addition of Suez’s activities and forces will enable Veolia to become the reference in hazardous waste treatment and to reinforce its position in the water management industry. This will give the company a greater leverage to tackle major environmental challenges in the region, especially in the United Arab Emirates, Oman, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.
“The creation of a global champion of ecological transformation is a game changer for the environmental services sector. Veolia’s aim is to act as a unique enabler of the ecological transformation solutions and a reliable partner for public and private customers to respond to the environmental emergency,” commented Antoine Frérot, Veolia Chairman and Chief Executive Officer. “In the current challenging context worldwide, Veolia’s teams are more than ever mobilized around our primary mission of providing environmental and energy solutions to meet the vital needs of populations in a responsible manner and to continue building a sustainable future.”
“Like me, thousands of colleagues have joined Veolia to contribute to the inspiring ambition of becoming the world champion of ecological transformation,” said Azad Kibarian, Veolia Director of the Italy, Africa and Middle East zone. “This is a historic moment and with more talents, more countries and more skills, Veolia Middle-East will be stronger to satisfy the ever-increasing demands of our customers, turn the tide and meet the challenges of climate change, pollution and resource scarcity.”
To drive ecological transformation in the Near East and the Middle-East, Veolia will intensify its action in fields where the Group can bring significant value-added through its extensive expertise, like for example in hazardous waste treatment, energy efficiency, water reuse and plastics recycling. It also wants to go further in essential service activities which are Water, Waste, Sanitation and Electricity.
While Veolia is progressing to develop new approaches to address the climate change challenges, some innovative solutions are already being implemented with success, this includes water supplies for agriculture, air quality through our affiliate Enova, CO2 capture, transportation, use and storage.

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